Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"EDU" the good character will enhance a positive change amongst the men folks - Emy P.

The Kanny Ad's Crew ran a brief interview with Emem Paulius well known as Emy P in respect of his newly released single.

Kanny Ad's Crew: Why did you choose the single title to "Edu"?

Emy P: "Edu" as the name implies, means good character". And, this can only be found in a good woman, looking at today's society most of our men make a lot of mistakes trying to find their forever counterpart and some end up making a wrong choice, why? Because, they tend to be carried away by the physical looks forgetting that the inner beauty of a woman is what matter which is "EDU".

Therefore, the song is more like an advice to those who are yet to marry.

Kanny Ad's Crew: Where was Edu's inspiration drew from?

Emy P: I got inspired to put up this song through a friend's marital experience.

Kanny Ad's Crew: What's your expectations for the single "Edu"?

Emy P: I'm expecting a positive change amongst the men folks yet to marry, having in mind that physical looks do deceive but the inner beauty I mean the inside out is everything.

Above is the cover art of his latest single while below his the link to his latest single, download and share with friends.

Enjoy the rest of the reading.....

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